Monday, January 26, 2009

Bic Mac Sales Up!

Today was a crappy day! I let this whole stupid recession thing bring me down so much that I'm actually blogging about it.

I wish we could go back to the barter system!



Annoyed Scrabble Shrew


  1. i believe many people are bartering services but it is the small guy, you know, like us. we may see a lot more of it in the coming days. be ready, you are a valuable commodity. good thing i avoid the scrabble board, you would question my spelling and rightly so.

  2. I've totally heard people are bartering these days. Can't pay for whatever, but they can make stuff, so they talk to their friends and do an exchange thing. Yeah, money is stressful. I'm just really thankful that I have some job security, especially now with Obama being all science oriented! woo! Things will work out. Love ya.
